Joyce Lee is a designer based in Los Angeles, California.

She is a currently a senior majoring in Art and minoring in Marketing and Advertising at the University of Southern California.

Timeline of my Life so far

1. Born in socal and grew up with my parents and older brother.

2. Unlike my family I was really bad at studying and sports, but really good at drawing.

3. So I went to drawing school my whole life.

4. Went to USC and realized I really like design.

5. I took some time off school to live and teach at a christian school in a small agricultural town called San Telmo in Mexico for 8 months.

6. Worked at an agency for the first time and realized I love flexing my mind to draw up big big ideas.

Where I want to be in 10 years, 20 years, and 50 years.

In 10 years I hope to be a creative director and be riding around Los Angeles on a vespa scooter.

In 20 years I hope I have kids, own a english sheep dog, open up a cafe while actively designing.

In 50 years I’ll be retired on a farm just spending my days painting, cooking, and reading my Bible.

My Favorite Things

Movie: The Rocky Series

Food: 국밥 (pronounced: gook-bap) which means “soup rice” in korean

Top 3 Musicians:
Gorillaz, Daft Punk, Black Eyed Peas

Animal: Probably baby orangutan. So sweet and silly.

famous orangutan named budi who needed rehab.